Thursday, April 15, 2010





Wednesday, April 14, 2010

putting faith in the ebony bodhisattva

Avalokiteśvara -- the bodhisattva of compassion -- sits inconspicuously and squarely on the low kitchen cart.  The five inch bodhisattva is dwarfed by the towering ten-cup Cuisinart to the left, and by half a dozen mundane jars of coffee, tea, sugar and whatnot to the right.  Next to the cart is the expansive window that looks out on the backyard -- a raw garden that had been largely laid to waste, yet in spite of which, is displaying lush greens and occasional hues of spring.  At first glance, it is not the most obvious place to set up the family altar on which sits the bodhisattva, a highly revered and possibly most worshipped lord of Buddhism.  But being not obvious is largely what praying, genuine praying is all about.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

San Mao

Diving into the world of San Mao.  Isn't it a wonderful thing we are gifted with the ability to read (and to write), and to see through the senses of another, to feel her earthly delights through the crispy and aging pages~~~~

Monday, April 12, 2010

想起蟲師、煌如星,以及讀完了the Cabinet of Curiosities

The weekend was spent sowing seeds and moving plants from nursery pots into the backyard.  There is something zen about the planting season.  I was gazing at the dark brown soil -- a mixture of gravel, traces of dead leaves from last fall, sand, mineral rocks giving off metal luster, seeds flown from afar, roots of dead plants -- and wondered how does this "premordial soup" produce the things all life forms depent on -- the infinite varieties, the full spectrum of colors, shapes, scents and tastes.  Nothing short of a miracle.  

And if you ever watched a tiny and tender seedling thrusting its way out of the dirt, and its fragile and fresh first pair of green leaves, like baby angel wings, unfolds and embraces its first spring breeze, first ray of sunlight, and first drop of rain, you'd know it was a moment of enlightenment.  
So, last night, I finished reading the Cabinet of Curiosities by Preston and Child.  I'd say the Cabinet comes a close second, with the Relic still being at the top.  The Cabinet is a captivating read, considering this was my second time round.  For some reason, the first time went as a complete blur, but this time I made sure every chapter was read with the utmost attention, though towards the end, my attention began to drift as midnight approached.  But overall, the Cabinet is one creepy-as-hell and bone-chilling thriller.  This is not to say that the Relic is any less.  But with the Relic, I felt not completely unsympathetic with the museum beast -- the Mbwun killed because he had to, if he wanted to avoid the fatalistic ending of reverting back to its human form.  In the Cabinet, however, the Surgeon killed out of sheer greed for the prolongation of his mortal life. 

I suppose by the time one finishes the Cabinet, it should be pretty clear that the Pendergast character is here to stay.  We begin to learn more about Pendergast's past, the other infamous members of his family, and if you read carefully, there is, I believe, a one liner that hints at the addition of Constance in later episodes of the Pendergast saga.  Aloysius X.L. Pendergast is truly an incredible character.  Appearance wise, he is almost vampiric, with features I believe that represent a typical Scandinavian; intelligent wise, he is far above everybose else, and with every additional book, Pendergast seems to become ever more superhuman and maybe a little blown out of proportion, which in itself is actually quite enjoyable.  As the villains get smarter and more powerful, we would need a character to match their wit and strength, who better than Pendergast, with the out-of-this-world looks, physical agility, resourcefulness, political pull, and authoritative/persuasive demeanor when the situation calls for it?  Oh, and did I mention he is ridiculously rich?!







