The New York Trilogy (Paul Auster)
This book, my first experience with Auster, turns out to be a tremendously slow read. I don't think it's the book, it's probably just me still recovering from post-travel languidness. I've seen the name Paul Auster come up in one of my favorite blogs and mentioned by one of my favorite authors (Murakami) with high regard, so naturally this is a must read. But I picked up this book at the wrong time. If I were to read it when I'm in my Murakami mood, I'd finish it in a few days, but lately I've been in the mood for something less "weird". Weird is probably the first word that comes to mind with the New York Trilogy, but being one of Murakami's favorite authors, this is no surprise.
Homer's Iliad (Robert Fagles)
Finally, taking my first humbling bite at classic Greek literature. This is a relatively new translation by Robert Fagles. Started this book about a week ago, still working through the introduction by Bernard Knox, which turns out to be very informative and for the most part newbie friendly, except for the first section on the "true origin" of the Iliad and on the tradition of bard singers. I am thinking some interesting thoughts about Greek gods and goddesses, or rather Homeric gods/goddesses about how "worldly" and "ungodly" they all behave. Much more on this book later.
Books waiting/screaming to be read, and they WILL be read.
A Game of Thrones (George R.R. Martin)
This book is sitting squarely and conspicuously on my desk, screaming to be read.
Diablo Archive
I have been wanting to try this for a long time. Everyone knows Blizzard makes good games, let's see if it also tells good stories. My gut feeling is it does.
Cold Vengeance (Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child)
Yes, this is one of those series where whenever a new one comes out, I just buy without asking questions. This, however, does not mean I'm completely without doubts. After the last one flopped towards the ending, I'm hoping this one is not another let-down. (P.S., I am skimming through A Still Life without Crows, again, boy I'm falling for A.P. all over again~~~)