Having finished the last of PH's books on China, I feel its time to take a break from "foreigner's account of China" books. For one thing, PH raised the bar on China writing so much that I wonder I can find a book by another author thats nearly as observant/thought-provoking/humorous as the three books by PH in a good decade. Anyways, all three books by PH are highly highly recommended. They should take up prominent places on any China lover/hater/skeptics' bookshelves.
River Town by Peter Hessler (First Book)
Oracle Bones by Peter Hessler (Second Book)
Country Driving by Peter Hessler (Latest Book)
My favorite among the three is probably still River Town. For some odd reason, I always felt RT has an Chinese ink painting quality to it. And of course, since the account took place in a small suburban town in Sichuan (Fulin), there is a very nice tranquil air and a slight pathos throughout the book.